AIBE 19 Exam Result 2024:
The Bar Council of India (BCI) will soon release the AIBE 19 Exam Result 2024 on its official website. There is good news for all the students who had given the AIBE 19 exam: The AIBE 19 result can be released anytime.
Candidates who pass the AIBE 19 Exam will get a Certificate of Practice (Certificate of Practice – CoP), after which they will get the opportunity to practice. All those candidates who had given the AIBE 19 Exam held on 22 December 2024 will get the direct link to check the result from here.
When will the AIBE 19 Exam Result 2024 come?
The exact date of the AIBE 19 Exam Result 2024 has not been released yet, but it is expected that the exam result will be announced soon. Because the objection link has been closed by BCI. All candidates should keep an eye on the official website regularly for the result updates.
AIBE 19 Exam Eligibility Criteria:
To pass the AIBE 19 Exam, candidates must obtain the minimum marks given below:
- Minimum 45% for the general category
- Minimum 40% for SC/ST and other reserved categories
Candidates who obtain these marks will receive a “Certificate of Practice (CoP).” By obtaining this certificate, permission will be granted to practice law in India.
AIBE 19 Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme:
Total Questions: | 100 |
Question Type: | Multiple Choice (MCQs) |
Marks for each question: | 1 |
Total Marks: | 100 |
Negative Marking: | No |
This AIBE exam includes subjects like constitutional law, civil and criminal law, professional ethics, and general knowledge.
Last date to file objection on AIBE Answer Key:
The answer key of the AIBE 19 exam 2024 was released on 29 December 2024. AIBE gave time till 10 January 2025 to all the candidates to check the answer key and to file an objection to the answer of any question. Now the final result will be released on the basis of the answer key.
How to check AIBE 19 Exam Result 2024:
To see the AIBE 19 exam result, follow the easy steps given below:
- Now You Visit the official website of AIBE, allindiabarexamination.com.
- Now you have to click on the link of “AIBE 19 Result 2024” on the homepage.
- Now here Enter your roll number and date of birth. And click on the “Submit” button.
- Now your result will appear on the screen here.
After passing the AIBE 19 Exam Result 2024:
Candidates who pass the AIBE 19 Exam Result will be provided with a “Certificate of Practice (CoP)” from the Bar Council of India. With this certificate from BCI, they will get permission to practice law in any court of India. But all the candidates who are unable to pass this exam can reappear for the AIBE exam next year.
Why is the AIBE 19 exam important?
The AIBE Exam is mandatory for law graduates in India. This exam ensures that the candidate has the necessary legal knowledge and is able to use this legal knowledge for business situations.
AIBE Exam Overview Details:
The AIBE Exam is conducted to assess the competency of law graduates. Candidates who want to practice law in India take part in this exam. The main objective of this AIBE exam is to test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of legal principles, as well as to evaluate the ability to apply that knowledge in practical scenarios. This exam is conducted at the national level by the Bar Council of India (BCI).
The AIBE 19 Exam is necessary for law graduate candidates. Only after passing this exam does one become eligible to practice law in India. Our team wishes all the candidates a bright future. Thank you!
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